Shipments are delivered on the next business day after sending, provided that: sending in voivodeship cities by 5:00 p.m. at the sender’s seat or until 15:00 in other cases.
The EMS service is performed between Poland and the countries specified in the "List of countries or territories constituting
Annex No. 2 to the Regulations. The list also includes information about localities, to which you can send
EMS parcels from Poland and any data on specific terms of service this service in each country.
EMS shipments posted in Poland are delivered on the expected delivery dates.
Detailed deadlines binding for a given country is specified in Appendix No. 3 to the Regulations.
EMS shipments can only be addressed to poste restante and post office boxes only to some countries.
Detailed information about the countries and territories to which EMS shipments are accepted
addressed to poste restante or to post office boxes can be found in Appendix 2 to the Regulations.
Yes, customers can purchase shipping insurance for an additional fee.
Sender insures the shipment in accordance with the rules set out in the GTC up to the amount indicated by the sender.
The maximum amount to which you can insure an EMS shipment is 20,000. PLN
(for customers without the concluded contract).
EMS shipment should be packed and closed in a way that corresponds to its weight, dimensions and shape
and properties of the transferred content. The packaging should protect the contents so that they will not be
damaged, displacement during transport. In addition, the parcel should be wrapped so as not to causemany
danger for the employees working on its preparation and it has not damaged or has contaminated other shipments
in transit or postal facilities. Shipment can be packed in the customer's own packaging, as well as Poczta Polska
provide dedicated packaging for the "Document Pack" and "Kilo Pack" services.
The service can be provided with the additional service "Confirmation of delivery or return SMS / email"
and you can additionally insure the shipment.
The sender of an EMS shipment may request that the shipment address be corrected.
It is not possible to fulfill the request when the shipment has been:
▪ delivered to the addressee,
▪ confiscated or destroyed by competent authorities because of the contents prohibited for transport,
▪ seized under the regulations of the country of destination or transit.
The address correction service is performed if the parcel has not left the territory of Poland (applies to all countries)
and if the parcel has already left the territory of Poland, but only to countries not listed in Annex 4 to the EMS service
regulations in the case of.
It is forbidden to include the following items in EMS shipments: coins, banknotes, currency or any value payable to bearer, traveler’s checks, platinum, gold or silver, processed or not, gemstones, jewelery and other valuables, dangerous items that may harm people or property or cause contamination or damage to other parcels or postal equipment, items whose packaging or unpackaged visible parts contain inscriptions or drawings that violate a property protected by law, drugs and psychotropic substances as defined by the International Narcotics Control Board (French abbreviation: “OICS”, English abbreviation: “INCB”) or other illegal narcotic substances prohibited in the country of destination, explosive, flammable or radioactive materials, disarmed explosive military devices and equipment, including disarmed grenades, missiles and other similar items, as well as replicas of these devices and items, infectious substances live animals and plants, corpses, remains and ashes of human and animal, biological materials, counterfeit items and illegal products protected by copyright, aerosol containers such as deodorants, hairspray, hair dyes, etc. items whose import and sale is prohibited in the country of destination, items requiring special treatment during transport.
Yes, all countries providing EMS service are required to enter the current shipment status in information systems.
Only documents may be posted in shipments sent in "Document Pack" envelopes, and a total number
the weight of the parcel cannot exceed 0.5 kg.
In "Kilo Pack" shipments the maximum weight cannot exceed 1 kg, documents can be sent and also, if the shipment
is addressed:
▪ to a European Union country - you can send samples of goods, gifts or goods,
▪ to a country not belonging to the European Union, you can send:
▪ items that do not require the sender to attach any documents other than the completed one
CN 23 customs declaration,
▪ goods or samples of goods, as long as the entire shipment has already been customs cleared and attached
there are relevant documents for it.
The EMS service consists in picking up the parcel from the sender's office or picking it up at a designated post office,
and then transport and delivery to the addressee abroad within specified time limits of items containing
their contents documents or goods.
It is the fastest service currently provided in foreign trade. Both individual and contractual clients can use the service.
The maximum weight of an EMS package is 20 kg. The search engine for postal points of contact providing the EMS
service is available at www.pocztex.pl.
We anticipate that we will deliver the parcel on the next day if you meet the following parameters:
- postage at a post office will take place by 3:00 p.m.,
- sending in the voivodeship city by the courier will take place by 5:00 p.m., in other towns by 3:00 p.m.,
- the parcel will have standard parameters and will not exceed the XL format and weight of 20 kg.
Delivery of deliveries on the same day takes place on the service Na Dziś :
- within the same voivodeship city, when the posting took place by 5:00 p.m.,
- outside the administrative borders of the city of dispatch in accordance with the “List of connections urban agglomeration for parcels sent on the Na Today service”, on the basis of a written agreement, when the dispatch took place on a working day by 4:00 p.m.,
- in designated relations in the territory of the country in accordance with the list.
Shipments posted after 4:00 PM will be delivered by noon on the next business day.
Order a courier using the form www.pocztex.pl/zamow-kuriera/ or by calling the Pocztex hotline (Monday to Friday 8:00 – 20:00, Saturday 8:00 – 16:00) :
• 804-104-104 (Handling calls from domestic landlines. Connection fee in accordance with the operator’s tariff)
• +48 43 842 0 842 (Handling calls from mobile phones and domestic and foreign landlines. Connection fee according to the operator’s tariff)
Yes, if you pack them in regular packaging – e.g. a box. Otherwise, in the standard service, the roll will be treated as a non-standard shipment and an appropriate surcharge will be charged.
No, the parcel is delivered personally to the addressee.
According to the price list, the maximum amount of COD may be 20,000. PLN.
Please visit our tracking for current shipment statuses.
All you need to do is send the package in the 2XL format with the service with an additional weight above 30-50 kg. Such a parcel will be delivered by the courier to the address indicated, but it will not be possible to deliver it to the machine or to the pick up point.
The customer is sent three SMS notifications about the possibility of collecting the parcel at a point or machine: 1) about the place and date of collecting the parcel along with the collection code, 2) the first reminder about the parcel to be collected, 3) the second reminder about the parcel to be collected. If the sender provided the recipient's e-mail address, he or she will also receive an e-mail notification.
Users of the Pocztex Mobile application will receive a notification in the application about the arrival of the shipment, and they can track the status of each shipment in real time in the application.
Shipments can be picked up at post offices, machines located and stores: Żabka, ABC, Lewiatan, Delikatesy Centrum, Groszek, Arhelan, Duży Ben i Euro Shop.
After receiving an SMS or e-mail notification about the possibility of collection (the e-mail will be sent if the sender has provided the address), the parcel is collected on the basis of the received code in Żabka, ABC, Lewiatan, Delikatesy Centrum, Groszek, Arhelan stores and at parcel lockers.
In post offices and Orlen stations, the collection requires the presentation of an identity document. After receiving the parcel, a receipt must be signed.
Yes, 3 SMS notifications are sent: about the possibility of pickup, the first reminder, the second reminder. If the sender has provided an email to the recipient, the recipient will also receive an email notification.
Probably the parcel was not accepted at the pickup point (Żabka), and only after this a sms/e-mail with the code is sent. The case should be reported to Poczta Polska Contact Center by calling 801 333 444 or (+48) 438 420 600 or by writing to kontakt@poczta-polska.pl, which will take appropriate action and provide feedback.
The shipment sender submits a request by phone on the hotline or by writing to the address: kontakt@poczta-polska.pl, along with a new phone number to which the pickup code is to be sent.
The PUDO delivery does not allow forwarding of parcels to another point.
Shipments at pickup points are waiting for pickup for 7 days. It is not possible to extend this deadline.
Yes, at Pocztex PUNKT points (post offices, stores: Żabka, ABC, Lewiatan, Delikatesy Centrum, Groszek, Arhelan, Duży Ben and Euro Sklep) and in parcel machines - Pocztex AUTOMAT, where parcels are collected based on the pickup code, all you need is give the code to a trusted person.
Sample power of attorney ⇒ download
The information should be sent to Poczta Polska Contact Center by calling 801 333 444 or (+48) 438 420 600 or by writing to kontakt@poczta-polska.pl, which will take appropriate action and provide feedback.
In this case, the standard complaint procedure applies. If the damage has been identified during delivery by courier or at a post office, it is possible to check the condition of the contents and a damage report is drawn up. It is not possible to check the status of the content in the machine or at the partner point. Information on how to file a complaint can be found here.