Domestic parcels

Number of shipments per month:
Quality and punctuality are the most important features of the company, which is why we meet your expectations by offering you comprehensive courier services.

Leave us your details, our representative will contact you within 48 hours.

Where do you sell?
I consent to the processing of the above personal data by Poczta Polska S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Rodziny Hiszpańskich 8, 00-940 Warsaw



New Pocztex

Introduce in your business, quickly and conveniently.

click to view more

Pocztex - domestic parcels

The new Pocztex offer - we are wherever You are, with new parameters close Your business.
We offer delivering:
to home
to pickup point
to parcel machine

EMS - international shipments

If you want to ship quickly, cheaply and safely - choose EMS. The perfect service to support your business.

Change in the price list of the Pocztex service for individual customers.
The Pocztex package can already be sent at partner points.